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/Courses / Upper Secondary Art Studies

Upper Secondary Art Studies


General information

Length: 2 years.
Language: spanish.
Timetable: morning shift, from 08:30 to 15:15. 
Starting date: september.
Ending date: june. 
Type of teaching: face-to-face.
Certificate: Upper secondary, Art studies.
Level of the certificate (national or international):
   – National: Upper secondary education.
   – InternationalLevel 3 – (Upper) of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED3a).

The Bachillerato de Artes (Upper Secondary Art Studies) is an optional course in this pre-university examination.

Schools of Art, owing to their longstanding achievements in the training of professionals in the Arts, are the most suitable centres in which to teach Bachillerato art studies. The specialization of teaching staff at these schools in areas traditionally related to Art (Artistic drawing, Volume, History of Art, Art Workshops…), the introduction of new technologies (Audiovisual techniques and languages, Computer Assisted Design…) with specific teachers in those areas, means that these schools are able to offer a wide range of optative subject modules, from art workshops (photography, gravure, stone and wood sculpture, casting and modelling..) to the latest CAD technologies and techniques and audiovisual languages.

1º University Studies.

2º Superior Vocational Training.

3º Superior Vocational Training Cycles in Plastic Arts and Design.

4º Teaching in Dramatic Arts.

5º Superior Studies in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage.

6º Superior Design Studies.

1º Year

Qualification: E.S.O. or equivalent.

Qualification: Technician Plastic Arts and Design.

2º Year

Qualification: Superior Technician Plastic Arts and Design

Course contents of the Bachillerato (L.O.E.) (Upper Secondary Studies)

(in Spanish)
B. O. C. y L. – Nº 111 del 11 de junio de 2008: Currículo de Bachillerato

B. O. C. y L. – Nº 118 del 20 de junio de 2008: Implantación y desarrollo del Bachillerato



–  Sciences for the contemporary world

–  Physical Education

–  Philosophy and Citizenship

–  Castilian Spanish and Literature I

–  Foreign Language I

–  History of philosophy

–  History of Spain

–  Castilian Spanish and Literature II [*]

–  Foreign Language II [*]


YEAR 1º [**] (Choose 3)YEAR 2º [**] (Choose 3)

–  Artistic drawing I

–  Technical drawing I

–  Volume

–  Audiovisual Culture

–  Artistic drawing II [*]

–  Technical drawing II [*]

–  Design

–  History of art

–  Techniques for graphic-plastic expression

OPTATIVE (may vary slightly at the beginning of the course): Choose 1 each year:


–  Information and Communication Technologies

–  Artistic Workshops

–  Enamelling workshop

–  Sculpture workshop

–  Photography workshop

–  Volume II [*]

–  Broadening of technical and graphic representation systems

–  Subject modules

[*] Completion of 1º de Bachillerato (1st year of Upper Secondary Studies) is necessary, in order to study this subject.

[**] The Centre can establish study paths.

The School has international mobility projects for both teaching staff and students under Erasmus+.

You will find all the information about the EASD Burgos international mobility at: international.easdburgos.es

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