Having the opportunity of meeting some of the teachers and exchanging information with them has been pleasure. Although I had previously programmed some topics to be dealt with, not all of them had time to be tackled thoroughly. However, the experience has been absolutely positive and what I have been able to observe has been enough to have a grip of the NBU spirit, the interrelation among the different study programmes existent, the rhythm and outcomes of the student´s work and how everything is projected outwards.
On top of that visiting Sofia, a special city full of contrasts: a mixture of avant-garde with tradition, urban and rural, past and present, East and West, orient and occident, everything wrapped up by lush green areas, made my week.
Don´t hesitate on applying for an Erasmus+ grant. Meeting another country, another culture, other people, other ways of working and living, or another teaching institution is always interesting. There´s always something to learn and, why not, implement in your teaching.