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/Degree in Fashion Design

Degree in Fashion Design

Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores de Diseño

General information

Length: 4 academic years (240 ECTS)
Language: spanish 
Timetable: morning shift, from 08:30 to 15:15  
Starting date: september
Ending date: june  
Type of teaching: face-to-face.
Certificate: Graduate in Fashion Design.
Level of the certificate (national or international):
   – National: Dregree. Level 2 MECES of the Marco Español de Cualificación para la Educación Superior.
   – International:Level 6 of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED6). – Level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF6).

Professional profile

The aim is to train professionals who will be able to find the best solutions to problems involving design, stylism and research. People who will keep themselves permanently updated and fully informed about creative and technical developments that respond to market needs and tendencies.

Professional careers

Firms and Design Studios: designer, costume and set designer, layout and photography stylist, drafter flat drawing.

Tendency agencies: coolhunting.

Costume and Set Design: cinema, theatre, series…

Professional freelancer.

Teaching and research in the field of Design.

ECTS: Total 240 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).

  • Practical and theoretical training (210 ECTS).
  • External intership (12 ECTS).
  • Final degree projectt (18 ECTS).

Our study plan may be downloaded from: Fashion Design studies plan

60    60
 60   60
 5010  60
TOTAL ECTS60130201812240

Admission requeriments

Hold a Bachillerato (upper secondary studies) or equivalent, or a pass in the University access exams for mature students (over 25 years old).

Students over nineteen years old with no qualification should have passed a maturity test in relation to the objectives of the Bachillerato (upper secondary exams).

In any event, it will also be necessary to pass a general admission test in which the knowledge, abilities and aptitudes needed for the successful completion of these studies will be assessed.

Students holding the qualification Técnico Superior de Artes Plásticas y Diseño [Superior Technician in Plastic Arts and Design] may gain direct admission to the course.

General admisión test

Part A:

Analysis and commentary of a text in the field of design and plastic arts in the contemporary world.

Part B:

Representation of a tridimensional model through the application of techniques and languages of artistic drawing.

Part C:

Completion of a freestyle colour composition exercise, based on freestyle interpretation of the model proposed by the Panel.

Admisión and matriculation

Direct admission

Of the 100 places on offer, 25 are reserved for direct access students. The award of these places depends on the average grade in the portfolio of work presented when applying for admission to the school.

Places that are not covered by this system will be added to those for test-based admission.

Test-based admission

From among the students admitted onto the course following the test, priority will be given to those that pass the general admission test set for this course by the Junta of Castile-Leon, in accordance with their final grades, ranked from high to low.

The remainder of the vacant places will be awarded to candidates that have passed the general admission test in other autonomous regions during the relevant academic year.

The Junta de Castilla y León (Regional Government of Castile-Leon) organizes two lines of financial assistance each year, supplementing those organized by the Ministry of Education for students on these academic courses:

  • Financial assistance for enrolment fees.
  • Financial assistance for residency and transport expenditure.
  • Financial assistance to complement Erasmus programme grants.

The School has international mobility projects for both teaching staff and students under Erasmus+.

You will find all the information about the EASD Burgos international mobility at: international.easdburgos.es

The School offers introMODA days on an annual basis, in which the student is brought closer to the professional world thanks to master classes and workshops offered by different Fashion Design-related professionals.

Partnerships with institutions and firms related to design and the textile sector.

An appointment with the Castilla-Leon Fashion Show: support for participation at the Castilla-Leon Fashion Week so that they can gain experience in the professional world of the fashion show.

Technologically well-equipped workshops and laboratories available to students.

Classrooms equipped with new information and communication technologies.

Library service with a specialized catalogue for Art and Design.


Qualify students as future interdisciplinary designers, with a specialization in Fashion Design. Train them as professionals able to master scientific, humanist, technological and artistic disciplines and in the methods and procedures associated with such knowledge; prepare them to generate values with artistic, cultural, social and environmental meaning, in response to the social and technological changes that are taking place around them.

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