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/International / Experiences 07|14 / Erasmus 2007-2014 / A new Leonardo International Mobility Project has been approved to the Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño of Burgos

A new Leonardo International Mobility Project has been approved to the Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño of Burgos


A new Leonardo International Mobility Project has been approved to the Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño of Burgos, to be developed during the next 2 years.

The participant countries in this “Under the Stars Project” include Germany, Portugal, Italy, Finland and the United Kingdom.

In this first flow a Graduated Student in Fired Enamel on Metals

leave for Italy and another Graduated student in Gilding and polychromy. A Graduated student in Artistic cabinet-making, another in Arts Applied to Wood and another one with Degree in Fashion Design will travel to Germany for a thirteen weeks stay.

We wish good luck to all of them in the hope that they will know how to get the most out of this opportunity.


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